Thursday 1 September 2011

Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know video analysis

Two Door Cinema Club - What You know

This clip I have selected is the first fourteen seconds of the music video. I have selected this part of the video as it shows disjuncture as the band members are not showed until twelve seconds in and even then we are only showed their backs - this creates anticipation for the audience. The clip incorporates on-beat editing with one long length shot of a close up of the dancer's feet. The dance is paced correctly with the rhythm and tempo of the music and the use of a tilt and tracking to create a nine second shot is used to reveal the mise en scene of mainly white, yellow, blue and red colours. These primary colours are very simple and create quite a happy, playful atmosphere - this reflects the song well in my opinion. The action in this clip seems quite fast paced with the glitter on the drums being hit at the same beat as the music. However, the last two seconds of this clip I have chopped illustrates the performers so the audience knows that this video will be mainly disjuncture but with a vague narrative.

This second clip I have selected shows illustration within this music video as it shows all three band members performing together. The contrast of the band members with the rest of the mise en scene helps to make the audience use the performers as the main point of focus. The use of a jump cut from the band together to a close up of the main vocalist's face follows the convention of making the majority of the music video focused around the lead singer. Also, the lead singer is placed in the middle of the two other band members to ensure the focus is on him - this, again, is another convention of music videos. The close up of the lead singer's face emphasises that he is distracted by something off-screen, which engages the audience as they want to find out what is lying off camera. This close up is then cut to an over-the-shoulder shot of the female the lead singer is looking at. Again, this video is not showing you the face of the person straight away as it helps to create intrigue within the video. The woman is then revealed by a jump cut to a close up of her face - and is very attractive. At this point we realise the narrative of the music video will be based around this female and the lead singer, as this would follow conventions of lead singers winning over attractive females. The close up of the lady's face is quite a long length shot as it uses a slow zoom on the lady's face to emphasise that she is the focus point for the lead singer.

This clip shows the change between scenes which signifies the chorus. This is done by a transition through a dancer. In this part of the clip we see strong conventions coming through such as miming the playing of the guitar and lip syncing. Also, the lady of focus to the lead singer is now showed to be in a bath with her bare legs placed on the side of the bath which is quite sexually inviting and her playful nature of blowing bubbles also matches the fast tempo and playful mood the song brings. The red, blue, yellow and white are still the main colours being used and the continuity of these colours is showed as the dancer passes through the door in a new outfit, but still abiding this colour scheme. Also, the band remains expressionless - they never smile. This is quite abstract as it does not suit the beat or speed of the music.

This clip shows the lead singer by himself without his band mates. The contrast of Alex Trimble's suit and all of the other lady's bright coloured clothing helps to make him stand out whilst he lip syncs and the camera tracks to follow him. The fact that Alex is walking amoungst many attractive women and is not being taken notice of or is not taking notice of any of the women is quite peculiar, however, this does suit the lyrics, as he says "I wouldn't test you, I'm not the best you could have attained, why try anything?" The fact that the lyrics are saying he's not good enough for this woman makes the shot seem relevant as he is being ignored by all females.

This part of the video uses a black background with one of the dancers performing a cartwheel - this is then put into slow motion and special effects with the colours red, blue and yellow are used. This use of special effects fits in perfectly with the rhythm and temp of the music and as the tempo increases, more dancers performing cartwheels appear on screen. This special effect is not a convention but similar things are done in this genre of music video and i feel that it fits in well with the happy, joyful atmosphere this song creates.
There is no other systems of looking in this video besides form the camera and there is mild voyeurism as the main lady Alex follows is in the majority of the shots - also, the bath tub shot expresses this.

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