Wednesday 29 February 2012

Applying Jonathan Kramer's Theory To @Summercampband

1. is not simply a repudiation of modernism or its continuation, but has aspects of both a break and an extension - I think that Kramer means that the band uses the past in their work, but with a modern take. I think that this is correct with Summer Camp as in their videos they attempt to recreate the past, but in doing so, they are conforming to a modern-day 'indie' genre, as people like Vampire Weekend do the same thing with their Album cover 'Contra', for example. They also film themselves in their flat in typical 80s clothing, which makes the video look both old and new.
2. is, on some level and in some way, ironic - Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. I think that Summer Camp are unintentionally ironic as by trying to recreate a figment of the 80s and attempting a sense of originality, they're conforming to elements of the 'indie' genre.
3. does not respect boundaries between sonorities and procedures of the past and of the present - This is where any sense of hierarchy and procedures in the past are ignored. I do not think that this is the case as they try to recreate the past and pay homage to bands from the 80s.
4. challenges barriers between 'high' and 'low' styles - this is the challenging of styles varying from music producers, writers and performers to just performers who do not veen write their own music. They do challenge the barriers as they use other people's videos and attempt to recreate the 'high' styles, whilst only being quite a 'low' style themselves as they are simply remixing the past.
5. shows disdain for the often unquestioned value of structural unity - I'm not sure, but i think this means they dislike the unquestioned socialisation that all music and their style must remain the same - I think that they do this as if you visit their website, you see cuts and samples which displays no unity whatsoever. Their music does not sound similar in many of their tracks.
6. questions the mutual exclusivity of elitist and populist values - I think that this means they use elitist and clever ideas in order to be popular - I do not think that Summer Camp do this as they are not massively popular, but they are quite clever with their ideas.
7. avoids totalizing forms (e.g., does not want entire pieces to be tonal or serial or cast in a prescribed formal mold) - This is where they avoid using similar sounding/looking material in order to achieve a sense of branding in most cases - Musically they do not avoid totalising forms, but their website does.
8. considers music not as autonomous but as relevant to cultural, social, and political contexts - I think that this is where the band create their music with influences from culture etc. instead of ignoring the past and attempting to create something new - I think that summer Camp do this as they pay homage and respect to culture from decades ago.
9. includes quotations of or references to music of many traditions and cultures - self explanatory - Summer Camp's main focus is to reference cultures from America, as you can see from their website and music videos.
10. considers technology not only as a way to preserve and transmit music but also as deeply implicated in the production and essence of music - I think this is the idea that technology is used in the creating process of music, rather than just the storage and playing of old music - Summer camp use snippets from many areas on their websites, such as Radio, old TV programmes etc. which must use technology not just for the preservation of music.
11. embraces contradictions - self explanatory - Summer Camp does not appear to embrace contradictions as they have a set style which they stick to.
12. distrusts binary oppositions - self explanatory - Summer Camp does not seem to use binary opposites, only in that they are a boy and a girl. (But that is by nature)
13. includes fragmentations and discontinuities - Rather than using whole sources, only using demos, snippets and parts of texts in order to create a style you wish - Yes, all over their website they use clips which repeat themselves which are snippets and pulls from their songs and albums - which is quite fragmented.
14. encompasses pluralism and eclecticism - self explanatory - You could argue that Summer Camp uses Pluralism as they embrace the past, implying that it is just as good as the present, which is why they choose to base their videos and style on it. However, I'd say they encompass eclecticism more as they must make decisions for their music videos and website which they like, rather than to follow a particular doctrine or style.
15. presents multiple meanings and multiple temporalities - using polysemic ideas - I'd say that Summer Camp unintentionally presents us with multiple meanings as some people could perceive their style as conforming to the indie genre, whereas they seem to think they are simply paying homage to the past.
16. locates meaning and even structure in listeners, more than in scores, performances, or composers - I think that this is giving idea of giving the audience an active part in supporting you, which is unlike scores, performances and composers -Summer Camp do this in their website as the audience become active and take part in looking around the band.

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