Monday 9 January 2012


What do you understand by ‘creativity’ and to what extent have you been creative?
The use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. We have been creative in our music video as we used disjuncture with performance elements. Disjuncture in the indie genre generally involves creative ideas and we have done exactly that.
- How have you tried to facilitate and encourage your own creativity?
By using disjuncture instead of performance or illustration. Disjuncture has given us more room to play around with our own ideas and be creative.
- Did you experience limits/blocks on your own creativity?
Yes, in order to achieve the grades we wanted we had to sacrifice a few ideas as we would not of been able to evaluate them well enough. We also had time limits and money limits.
- How easy/difficult was it to be creative while still working to the brief?
It was difficult as the criteria meant we were unable to use many of the ideas we would of liked to.
- Did working within conventions stifle your creativity?
No, I think that working within conventions made our music video more professional and helped us think of more ideas as we were able to take inspiration form many different areas for different reasons.
- To what extent did you need to work with others and ‘bounce ideas’ off other people to be truly creative?
I think that our ideas would not be as complete or successful if I had not of worked in a group as somebody would think of an idea and then other members would pick apart the flaws of the idea and then utilise the creative elements we had left.
How much of your creativity was about trying to picture things in your mind’s eye?
Most of my creativity was vivid in my mind, but it was hard to create on a video due to a lack of 'know-how' and obviously money, time etc.
- How much of your creativity was about trial and error?
We didn't really trial and error anything, we stuck to what we knew was achievable so that we could finish it on time (arguably making us uncreative).
- To what extent was a lack of confidence an issue in terms of your creativity?
This did affect us a little as we were uncertain if some ideas could work, so we didn't even bother trying them as our time limits made us unable to experiment with many ideas.
- To what extent was a lack of technical competence/confidence an obstacle to your creativity?
We would of liked to have used crane shots, tracking shots and other things such as these, however, they are very expensive to use and set up, so we could not use them, we had to use what we had, which was an obstacle to our creativity.

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