Tuesday 17 January 2012

Is A Text Only Postmodern If The Audience Are Aware Of The 'Socially Recognisable Debris'?

Task 1 
Addition - Adding something extra to the narrative. Examples in this particular text are the amount of different narratives there are combined into the one video.
Deletion - Taking something away within the narrative. An example in the video is: never finding out what actually happens in any of the narratives, it simply says "the end" leaving all stories with no definite ending.
Substitution - Substituting something within the narrative. This video is full of substitution as it contains many different scenes which are inspired from many different places except he's replaced the characters from the sources with himself i.e. Dan Black in a car instead of the Thunderbirds.
Transposition - Take two unconnected things and add them together. The video, again, is full of this. Nothing in the video really connects he's just copied and imitated many different sources. For example, the space scenes do not connect with the double yellow lines at the beginning of the video.

Task 2

Identifying Intertextual References:

Universal Pictures
Lost Highway
A Bout De Souffle
King Solomon's Mines
King Kong

These intertextual references are significant as Dan Black is trying to show how 'original' ideas are just ripped off one another. Nothing is completely original and it doesn't take a genius to create them - despite what people think. Also, none of these intertextual links connect in any way with one another - making the video Postmodern. Dan Black has decided to use a video purely on intertextual references in a mocking way as a sort of "f**k you" to the people who said he could not use their videos/songs in order to mock them and make a point.

Task 3

The video and song in Symphonies conforms to Charles Jencks' view that 'Post-Modernism is fundamentally the eclectic mixture of any tradition with that of its immediate past...' to a great extent as Dan Black has used purely intertextual references throughout the video, therefore using an 'eclectic mixture' of many traditions in doing so.

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